AHMAT Research Group
University of Valladolid

Our Team

AHMAT Research group is composed by experts on Materials Science, particularly on physico-chemical characterization, as well as Archaeologists and experts on Cultural Heritage Preservation and Restoration.

This research group was formed on 2019, with the aim to merge and potentiate the efforts of several researchers with a wide expertise on these fields.

Current members of AHMAT Research Group are the following:

Dr. Javier Pinto
Head of AHMAT Research Group
Assistant Professor
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid
Email: jpinto@fmc.uva.es
Phone: +34 983 18 63 14

Prof. Dr. Angel Carmelo Prieto Colorado
Head of the Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Full Professor
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid
Phone: +34 983 42 31 93

Prof. Dr. Carlos Sanz Mínguez
Head of the excavation campaigns on Pintia’s archaeological site
Prehistory, Archeology, Social Anthropology, and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques Department
Faculty of Philosophy and Literature – University of Valladolid
Email: cevfw@uva.es; csanz@fyl.uva.es
Phone: +34 983 88 12 40

Prof. Dr. Jorge Souto Bartolomé
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid

Dr. Óscar Fadón Loro
Associate Professor
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid

Dr. Suset Barroso-Solares
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid

Mr. Jose Carlos Coria-Noguera
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Prehistory and Archaeology Department
University of Granada

Mrs. Elvira Rodríguez Gutiérrez
PhD Student
Prehistory, Archeology, Social Anthropology, and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques Department
Faculty of Philosophy and Literature – University of Valladolid

Mrs. Violeta Hurtado García
Trainee Researcher
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid


AHMAT Research Group collaborates with several cultural heritage institutions and other research groups.

Dr. Ana Quilez Molina
Post-Doctoral Researcher
CellMat Laboratory-Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
Science Faculty – University of Valladolid

Mrs. Irene Mediavilla
PhD Student
GdS Optronlab – 
Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, and Mineralogy Department
LUCIA building – University of Valladolid

Centro de Estudios Vacceos Federico Wattenberg (CEVFW) of the University of Valladolid, which aim is the study of the Vaccaean civilization.

Cellular Materials (CellMat) Laboratory of the University of Valladolid.